Op-Ed: How a local author provides cover for Jewish racial projects
Author Justin Murphy's refusal to openly address Zionism allows Jews to shift between multiple identities. This has obfuscated their role in racially desegregating Rochester.

“Hollywood is crazy! First, they had The Mexican with Brad Pitt, and now they’ve got The Last Samurai with Tom Cruise. Well, I’ve written a film, maybe they’ll produce my film. The Last N*gga on Earth, starring Tom Hanks, how ‘bout that?” - Paul Mooney, comedian.
Things that are different are not the same.
A basic logical principle, yet still a major stumbling block to the liberal value of racial equality. Attempts to integrate non-Whites into an increasingly fractured White school system have been such monumental failures that Justin Murphy, our former education reporter, and so-called “antiracist,” wrote a book about it.
The failures seem to point to the obvious: many non-Whites are unable to maintain White behavioral standards, and far fewer can maintain their academic standards. In attempting to circumnavigate these obstacles, those participating in the integration ‘debate’ bypass entirely the idea of White self-determination.
While the concept of racial self-determination is worth discussing on its own, it seems essential to say that if someone is going to represent White people, perhaps they themselves should be White.
If that person is already White, they should perhaps represent some mainstream sociopolitical thought.
However, if you decide to leave it up to someone like Justin Murphy, prepare to let go of that plan because the best types of White people are Jews and novelty liberals, didn't you know?
Jews and novelty liberals
Remember, Justin Murphy isn’t an education reporter. He was an education reporter.
Now, Murphy will be paid to disseminate his ‘historical’ takes to your children’s educators and, in some cases, directly to your children.
Simply put, the ruthlessly mocked nerd wrote a 240-plus page résumé and is now a force multiplier for anti-Whiteness.
So, it’s worth taking a serious look at.
Murphy’s book can be comforting when taken in full context as it essentially warns local American chauvinists that the Civil Rights Era wasn’t a clear-cut victory. While White people did lose physical territory, they have consolidated to a degree, and the strategy of instilling racial self-hatred in White communities appears to have lost a bit of its sting.
To provide some relief, Murphy kindly provides dead ‘White’ role models for us to emulate. He happily promotes people like Lucy Colman, a radical abolitionist and ‘Freethinker,’ and two ‘white’ Jews, Jerome Balter and Norman Gross.
From the Introduction:
“Lucy Colman, Jerome Balter, and Norman Gross show the importance of white allies demonstrating their commitment to equality.” - (Your children are very greatly in danger, pg. 17)
In no way, shape, or form are these individuals representative of mainstream White American thought at any time in history. Colman once bragged of associating with the proto-antifascist mass murderer John Brown, while Balter tastelessly joked about moving toxic waste into White communities as a form of punishment. Gross, of course, was eulogized as a Zionist supporter of Palestinian genocide.
Just try to look in your phone’s contact list for someone who is simultaneously Zionist, an environmental ‘justice’ advocate, and an ‘antifascist.’
You will soon realize that many of these people cannot be reached on Saturdays.
Lucy Colman - Extremist Liberal
According to The Blue Grass Blade, Lucy Colman was born in Massachusetts in 1817 and lived briefly in Rochester, NY. She focused much of her time on pro-Black, anti-slavery advocacy.
Lucy Colman was a liberal, even by today’s standards. In addition to her Black-focused politics, Colman advocated for the impoverished and ‘women’s liberation.’
Colman’s beliefs often conflict: believing in a plausible “Nationalist or Socialist revolution” for Blacks, yet still supporting integration, often collaborating with Rochester-based Black integrationist Frederick Douglass
Colman claimed to be “intimately acquainted with Captain John Brown,” the radical (Christian?) abolitionist and convicted mass murderer. Brown's legacy continues to inspire modern antifascist gangs even today. Among them is the 'John Brown Gun Club.’
Jerome Balter - One of the original ‘Climate Justice’ Jews
Captured by the Axis powers in WWII, Balter—who is Jewish—somehow survived capture and returned to the United States after the war.
According to Justin Murphy, Jerome Balter and his ‘white’ family joined Black plaintiffs in a 1962 integration lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York.
According to Justin Murphy, the Balter’s et. al. made the unbelievable argument that their so-called “white children’s constitutional rights were being violated by being kept separate from Black children, as well as the converse.”
Balter later found an activist niche between racial justice and environmentalism.
Contrary to popular belief, it turns out ‘climate justice’ is very, very real indeed. Balter’s hilarious ‘joke’ to relocate toxic waste into White communities in Pennsylvania is now the law of the land in NYS (i.e. Seneca Meadows Landfill, Macedon gets NYC trash).
Kevin Williams dodges the race discussion to post a series of important graphs. Screenshot: Kevin Williams, conservative weatherman From The Philadelphia Inquirer:
“Among his efforts was a push to change the practice of locating industrial polluting facilities in low-income and minority neighborhoods. To that end, he directed a study showing that neighborhoods near heavy industry had higher cancer mortality rates than other neighborhoods.
When asked by a reporter where he proposed putting heavy industries that pollute, Mr. Balter gave a tongue–in–cheek response: "The people of Chestnut Hill have a right to have some of this waste like everybody else," he told the Inquirer.”
Norman Gross - Rabid Zionist and anti-White integrationist
In a Tampa Bay Times piece titled ‘Retired Educator Norman Gross advocated for Israel,’ Rabbi Jacob Luski of Congregation B'nai Israel said that Gross "was a dedicated Jew, a proud Zionist…[making] sure that whatever it takes to defend the Jewish people should be done…"
Gross is mentioned in Murphy’s book primarily for his role in the Urban-Suburban program.
Urban-Suburban is a mandatory, diversity-based bussing program that still exists today. The Zionist eulogy for Gross celebrates this:
“Long before schools were integrated, Mr. Gross started a voluntary program that allowed inner-city children to attend suburban schools.”
If I may say so, I have personally heard Murphy lecture an audience in Penfield about how they’re ‘disproportionately’ disciplining the minority urban-suburban students.
Justin Murphy’s position on Zionism: Here’s what we know

In 2020, Murphy almost talked about his position on Zionism when he spoke fondly of Gross’ pro-Jewish activity.
Also, he once posted a ‘sad and enormously tragic’ story about a University of Rochester doctor in Gaza.
Next time, we’ll discuss a very important case covered in Your Children are Very Greatly in Danger: Taylor v. the Board of Education in New Rochelle, NY.
In addition to reinforcing the connection between Jews and racial integration, we should also expect to brush up against an often-neglected time period when Jews began to abandon communism.
There will also be some details about the NAACP.